OCLC Micro: Volume 6 Issue 4
Table of contents
For $44.95 a day, you can rent a Zenith SupersPort 286, 286e, or the 80386‐based SupersPort SX or a Macintosh portable from LapStop Corp. at Avis rental counters in Logan, O’Hare…
The OCLC Authority File is most commonly used in cataloging, to verify the established (i.e., correct, authoritative, recommended) form of a name, subject heading, or uniform…
Mark BendigLike most PC users, I frequently need to display a text file on the screen. Sometimes I just need to find out what the heck the file is. (What could be in a file called AXOLOTL?)…
What To Do With An M300 Workstation
Danise G. HooverLooks at potential uses for old M300 series machines that have beenreplaced by newer models, and gives advice on how to go about upgradingthe workstations in order that they can…
Surge Protection: Shocking Standards Exist!
Larry TruthanConsiders the use of surge suppressors to protect computers fromsurges in voltage and ′spikes′ – sudden sharp rises caused byswitching on equipment such as air conditioners in the…
Protecting Computer Systems Against Power Transients
Francois MartzloffProvides a definition of the many different forms of powertransient as well as explaining their causes and suggesting remedies foreach type of transient which can be taken to…
CD‐ROM: A New Light For The Blind And Visually Impaired
Barbara T. MatesAdvocates the use of CD‐ROM technology to enable blind or visuallyimpaired library users to access information, which can be downloaded onto a disk and then treated in one of…
Computer Technology: Breakthroughs for the Hearing‐ and Speech‐Impaired
Sandra EdwardsInvestigates ways in which computer technology can enable peoplewith a hearing and/or speech impairment to communicate. These range fromtelecommunication devices for the deaf…
Width Macro for 1–2–3
John GustafsonThis macro can be used to duplicate cell widths. Frequently I find a need to duplicate the cell widths in a parallel set of columns. In a large worksheet this task can be tedious…
A Closer Look at … Networks and Information Access: Getting From Here to There and Bringing Something Back
Erwin K. WelschIn the movie Brazil, Robert DeNiro plays a rogue repairman who comes to rescue the unwary from snarls in wiring and ducts caused by an unresponsive government agency called…