OCLC Micro: Volume 6 Issue 3
Table of contents
Ed ValauskasNew versions of telecommunication software usually spell trouble for those of us who've established routines for access to remote systems such as OCLC. Over the years, I've become…
Using CAT ME with SuperKey
Joan W. HayesDescribes the use of Cataloguing Micro Enhancer (CAT ME) softwarein combination with a program called SuperKey in order to create macros,which can then be stored in different…
OCLC MARC Tape Processing Using dBASE III+
Ellen Traxel, Richard AroksaarExplains how the Pacific Northwest Regional Library convertedcatalog records from the OCLC MARC Tape Service into a working databaseby loading the tapes onto a minicomputer and…
A Natural Match
Mark L. van Name, Bill CatchingsAddresses the problem of sharing a CD‐ROM drive on a local areanetwork, suggesting several products which can be used to overcome thesehurdles. Compares two software packages: CD…
Relative Performance Of Two More CD‐ROM Network Access Products
Bradley C. Watson, Jonathan R. FauseyContinues with the second in a series of articles evaluating CD‐ROMlocal area network access products on the market. The software packagesevaluated in this article are: CD…
Turbo Boards: An Explanation And Recommendation
Sharon BosargeBriefly outlines the purpose and use of turbo boards (processorupgrade boards) in response to reader enquiries. Explains thecharacteristics of the two basic types: accelerator…
Using Crosstalk Scripts To Save Time And Labor In Interlibrary Loan
Matthew J. KaneExamines the use of Crosstalk Mark IV software to automatesearching of OCLC ILL requests on a public access catalog in order tomake searching more efficient. Details the creation…
Low Cost Automation Of Acquisition In A Small Academic Library
Carol CronquistAssesses the use of a database management system called Nutshell toautomate the acquisitions procedures in a university library. Covers thecreation of a special data entry screen…
The Kindness Cut of All
Terry BallardHas this problem happened to someone you know? A SaveScreen file compiled on Monday wasn't erased. All of Tuesday's work was added to the existing file and the problem wasn't…