Table of contents

Single Spine Label Production Using Wordperfect

Susan Bahrenfuse

Gives examples of how to use WordPerfect version 5.1 to createspine labels, without having to purchase the CAT CD450 system. Providesinstructions for choosing a label format;…


Customized Spine Label Printing

Bruce Gilbert

Illustrates how to customize the CATME LABELS.CAT file in order toprint spine labels only, and to customize the format of the file to therequired size. Explains how to run the…


Form Follows Function Keys In Label Production

Terry Ballard

Examines the use of function keys to create shortcuts in labelproduction. Contends that the use of such shortcuts makes the processquicker and easier, as well as less prone to…


ILLFILE Revisited

Carol Levin, Jim Nolte

Reports of the updates made to ILLFILE, a program which extractsdata from OCLC ILL workforms in order to collect data by computer ratherthan manually. Describes the changes to the…


Online with a Macintosh

Don Beagle

Considers the reasons for the late arrival of Macintosh computerson the library scene and attemps to answer questions about how to use aMac for online searching. Outlines several…


Accessing OCLC using a Macintosh and Red Ryder

Steve Jonas

Demonstrates how the Red Ryder software can be used to access OCLC,it can also be programmed to dial automatically and it is possible toset up macro keys for often‐used commands…


Research Assistant: A HyperCard Approach to Library Instruction

Erwin K. Welsch, Abigail Loomis

Reviews ′Research Assistant′ software, a computer‐assistedinstruction programme written by a librarian in order to help studentswith their research. The programme is written for…


LANs in the library (Part II)

James Speed Hensinger

Continues on the theme of an earlier article, this time dealingwith installation and maintenance of Local Area Networks. Discusses theimportance of having a LAN manager and…


Customizing Search CD450 Displays

Mark Bendig

Describes how to customize Search CD450 displays. Begins with theSystem ′Welcome′ screen, then the Database ′Welcome′ screen andconcludes with the Help Window Display.




Online date, start – end:

1985 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited