Table of contents


OCLC currently supports only DOS versions 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3, although IBM recently released PC‐DOS version 4.01. The following problems are known to exist with PC‐DOS 4.01 and…



Mark Bendig

Here's a tip about labels for your disks. (No, not the ones you stick on the outside of the disk.) I'm talking about the internal disk label (one for each disk) that DOS keeps…


Not for Novices

Mark Bendig

This is the third in a series of articles about accepting user input in BASIC programs. Previous columns (Oct. 1988 and Feb. 1989) discussed the INPUT statement, used to get a…


The Macintoshed Media Catalog: Helping People Find What They Need in Spite of LC

V. Gilmore, L.E. Nordgren

Discusses the problems of accessing non‐print media catalogued onLC classification. Describes the Macintosh hardware configuration usedat an American university library to…


What′s Old is New: batch files revisited

E.K. Welsch, K.E. Welsch

Considers the resurgence in use of batch files due to the number ofhard disk systems in operation, and the advantages batch files offer inadditional software installation…


The CAT of Many colors

G. Voedisch

Examines the capabilities of the CAT CD450 cataloguing systemoriginally developed to contain costs for smaller OCLC member libraries.Describes the features of CAT CD450, as well…


LANs and CD‐ROMs

M. Leggott

Considers the popularity of LANs and CD‐ROM, and the nature ofthese technologies. Describes various hardware and software solutionsthat allow shared access to a common database…


Relative Performance of Three CD‐ROM Network Access Products

B. Watson, J. Fausey

Compares three recently introduced systems allowing multi‐useraccess to CD‐ROM via LANs. Discusses the test set‐up and the nature ofthe systems tested: OPTI‐NET, CD Net, and…




Online date, start – end:

1985 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited