Table of contents


OCLC has had many inquiries about whether microcomputers with hard disk drives should be turned off at the end of each day. When the M300 Workstation was introduced, OCLC…



You can use the OCLC Terminal Software to change the typeface your printer uses. For example, if your ribbon is fading away, tell your printer to use boldface. To save paper…



Mark Bendig

Have you ever noticed the mysterious single‐ and double‐dot entries that appear at the top of every DIR listing outside of your root directory? These are not files, nor are they…


Uploading Local System Cataloging into OCLC

Richard Aroksaar, Ellen Traxel

Discusses the introduction of an efficient way to get localcataloguing onto OCLC to maintain resource sharing, in a library whereoriginal cataloguing is performed directly onto a…


Using ProComm on an M310 Workstation

To use ProComm on an M310 Workstation ordered before July 1, 1989, you must complete three preliminary steps


Monitoring 5‐5 CONTU Compliance using ILLFILE and dBASE III

Millie Kwan

Considers the use of dBASE to combine SaveScreen output with OCLCsoftware to produce custom reports. Discusses the problems with the tworeport programs, ILLSORT and ILLCOUNT…


MacJargon: Rites of INIT‐ialization

Becky A. Wright

Discusses the confusion in terminology used between IBM compatiblemachines and Macintosh systems. Provides a glossary of Macintosh termsand how they relate to IBM language.




Online date, start – end:

1985 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited