OCLC Micro: Volume 5 Issue 2
Table of contents
M310 Workstations delivered after July 1 will have a Video Graphics Array (VGA) adapter board instead of the EGA board. The VGA adapter is the same type of board used in high‐end…
If, one day, for no apparent reason, your printer decides to print no more, here are some diagnostic steps to take. Although it's the obvious, make sure the printer has power…
The Lucky 13: BASIC Utility Programs
Mark BendigDescribes 13 utility programs written in BASIC, with a summary ofwhat each does. Classifies the programs – COPYDEL, DSPLINES,PRINTOUT, LINECT, CUTLINES, PRTASCII, DSPCHARS…
XREF: A Subject Thesaurus Generated with WordPerfect 5.0
Kent SprungerPresents the XREF macro which demonstrates the use of programmingvariables with advanced WordPerfect macros to generate across‐referencing subject thesaurus. Considers the XREF…
School Daze?
Ginni VoedischExamines the SchoolMatch database on CD‐ROM, which enables parentsand educators to evaluate choices about schools. Discusses how schoolsare profiled (according to expenditure per…
Steven J. MaricicConsiders the use of ILLIN, a BASIC program designed to work withOCLC ILL Micro Enhancer software, to sort incoming requests intocategories and print handling instructions for…
Using Multiple CD‐ROM Databases on One Workstation (or How to Bool the System)
James Speed HensingerExamines a method of using more than one CD‐ROM database on asingle hard disk. Discusses the use of AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS onDOS, the additional problems that can occur with…
Using Census Test Discs at a Multi‐Use Workstation
Kathy AmenDiscusses the reconfiguration of a CD‐ROM workstation for use withthe Census Test Disc in addition to the ERIC database. Lists the newbatch files to transfer users from one system…
So What’s OLD?
Terry BallardConsiders the solutions to the problems caused by the installationof a new M310 Workstation. Describes the creation of “OLD”,a series of batch files allowing the user to save…
SuperKey and the OCLC MICROCON Service
Mark LagerDiscusses the use of OCLC MICROCON conversion program as aninexpensive way to implement reclassification and retrospectiveconversion to improve OCLC participation. Describes the…