Table of contents


Anglo‐American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition, Chapter 9, Computer Files (Draft Revision), issued in 1987, outlined rules for Area 3, the File Characteristics Area, which was…



OCLC Terminal Software (version 4.0) ran only on machines with monochrome display adapters—computers that can produce no color and no graphics. A computer with an Enhanced…


OCLC‐To‐Go: The Portable OCLC, Crosstalk, and Other Miscellany

Leon Decker

Has this happened to you? You're out of your library extolling the virtues of OCLC to your friends or colleagues and you want to give an on‐the‐spot demonstration or send an…


MicroMARC:amc Revised

Frederick L. Honhart

In the June 1987 issue of OCLC Micro I wrote about the MicroMARC:amc software developed at Michigan State University for use with the USMARC Archival and Manuscript Control Format…


ERIC on CD, Southern Style

Ruth Monical

Compact disc technology has come to the Southern Oregon State College Library in the form of the OCLC Search CD450 system and its ERIC databases. ERIC on CD‐ROM is a great step…


The One‐Disk Approach to Many SAVEKEY.DATs

Paul A. Carnahan

Over a year ago the technical services staff at Brandeis University began to experiment with the user‐defined function keys on our OCLC M300 Workstations. Like other M300 users…


Spell Checking OCLC‐MARC Records

Mollis Landrum

In an attempt to reduce typing errors when producing records in the OCLC Online Union Catalog, our Technical Processing Section is using a spelling checker on our PCs to check…




Online date, start – end:

1985 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited