OCLC Micro: Volume 3 Issue 6
Table of contents
The July 20, 1987 InfoWorld reported that only 30% of the over 400,000 copies of dBASE III Plus version 1.0 that were shipped had been upgraded to version 1.1. Version 1.0…
Mark BendigYou've probably heard of the ASCII code, but do you know what it is? ASCII (pronounced ask‐ee) is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It's a…
Cathy MooreLibraries circulating software should take a few extra steps to protect the software (and users) from “pranksters.” For example, a patron might place a trojan horse program [see…
Radio Shack: One for the Road
Janet WoodyTo expand our computer resources and provide our staff with access to computers outside of the library, we decided to purchase Radio Shack[i.e., Tandy] model 100 computers, which…
Using R:BASE to Construct an Auxiliary Database
J. James MancusoIn March 1987 the Capital District Library Council, which acts as a resource consortium for 47 libraries in a ten‐county area of upstate New York, became one of two sites (the…
Not for Novices
Mark BendigThe use of environment variables may seem like an esoteric (even incomprehensible) art to the “average user,” but even if you're not Dr. DOS, you might benefit from a little…