Table of contents


Some dial‐access users have encountered the message “function disabled” which sounds alarming. This is a CompuServe message that occurs when the system receives a stray 〈DISP…



The M300XT Workstation is no longer available from OCLC. As you may know, IBM has stopped manufacture of its XT microcomputer and OCLC's inventory was exhausted June 20.


DOS‐tips: Making Do

Mark Bendig

You may have had the experience of typing a document in which a specific word or phrase, perhaps a company or library name, occurs repeatedly in the text. To save yourself the…


Adding a Menu to Your Hard Disk

Cathy Moore

The April 1987 OCLC Micro (p. 13) describes one way you can set up a menu system to make it easier to use a hard disk. Here's a variation that uses simple commands as well as a…


Automated Exiting from OCLC with ProComm

Erwin K. Welsch

My article in the April 1987 OCLC Micro (pp. 23–26) described the use of the communications program ProComm to ease access to OCLC when dialing through a PC. It included a series…


Selecting a Form of Power Protection

Ed Pennybacker

In operating any computer system, whether a small personal computer or a large main‐frame system, power protection should be considered with respect to protecting computer data…


User‐defined Function Keys for Serials Local Data Record Entry

Christine Crawford‐Oppenheimer

SENYLRC is the listing agent for a union list of serials that potentially includes almost 600 libraries. Since only 2 of the over 300 libraries whose holdings are currently in our…


Comparing Backup Software

John Minott, David Sherman

This article reviews the performance of three commercial backup programs, run on two different types of machines. Because the DOS BACKUP command is slow, many PC users with hard…


Setting Multiple Relations in dBASE III

Hal Cheney

Inexperienced database builders may mistakenly build an all‐in‐one record format, a sort of data grab bag into which they toss all the entities that they are tracking. The bill…


Selecting a Communications Program

Erwin K. Welsch

After reading my April 1987 OCLC Micro article, several librarians have asked about ProComm and its selection as a communications package of choice and, in general, what…


RE: Views

An electronic bulletin board is a computer‐hosted facility for exchange of messages, programs, and data files among a group of computer users. This book offers advice to the…




Online date, start – end:

1985 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited