OCLC Micro: Volume 2 Issue 5
Table of contents
New ILL Request Formatting Program Available. Version 1 of PC‐Loan, an ILL request input program, is available from the WILS office.
Mark BendigMany software packages require you to specify details about memory size, installed options, etc., to ensure correct operation of the program by answering a series of questions…
Integrated Function‐Key Sequences for the M300 Workstation
Jim ToplonYou can design sequences that use one function key to work on the results of another. In this way you can complete an entire ILL workform, sending fields in batches, and only…
To Each Her Own: Function Keys
Jerome LibraryAs OCLC Cataloging Subsystem users who rely heavily on M300 function keys, we were pleased to see the articles in the June 1986 issue of OCLC Micro encouraging function key use.
Using Function Keys for Quicker Data Entry
Fabienne R. JohnsIn the Retrospective Conversion Section of OCLC, each project team has a monthly goal of records to be converted. To reach that goal, the operators must be as efficient as…
Beyond DOS: A BASIC Menu for Hard Disks
Paul DempseyIf you are one of the many people who have purchased an IBM PC or compatible with a hard disk (or added a hard disk to your M300 Workstation), you may find yourself with a bit of…
Printing CATME Labels with WordPerfect
Margaret SimonWe are enthusiastic about the OCLC Cataloging Micro Enhancer program (CATME), particularly the time we save when searching and editing offline and the bonus of sending our FTUs in…
“Vet Med” for the Trojan Horse
Steve ClancySince I am also the system operator (sysop) of the Biomedical Library's WELLSPRING RBBS here at U.C. Irvine, I was glad to see Cathy Moore's article “Low‐Cost, High Quality…
How to Buy the…
Jennifer Lane MaierIf you've never spent much time around computers and the thought of shopping for one panics you, take heart. Finding the right personal computer for you has very little to do with…
Using Smartco Direct Dial Acc
Diane T. MarkettiIn 1985, DePaul University established an “electronic” library at the O'Hare Campus (formerly Northwest Center) in Des Plaines, IL, with a dial‐access OCLC M300 Workstation…
A Smartcom II Macro for Automatic Logon via TYMNET
Judy MoserHere are some tips to follow to set up Smartcom II to work with your equipment and automatically dial in and log on to OCLC.
Enhancing Smartcom II with “CopyCAT” Macros
Melinda HayesThe process described here may seem cumbersome to librarians accustomed to using OCLC Terminal Software and the Micro Enhancer programs. But it allows us to use the same…
Name‐Authority Control Using dBASE III Plus
Richard L. HarwoodWe have developed several applications at the University of Texas at San Antonio using the database management software package dBASE III Plus. These applications range from…
Generating Name‐Authority and Cross‐Reference Cards Using the Merge Function in WordPerfect
Harriette HemmasiThe process described here is the one we use to produce cross‐reference cards âfter the selection and verification process has been completed. As the tide indicates, it simply…