Table of contents


Appendix D of the M300 Guide to Operations provides instructions on installing this internal modem and OCLC Micro Bulletins ♯1 and ♯2 give additional information. (Don't confuse…


Eric (not ERIC): The Woebegone Librarian

Eric S. Anderson

I recently received a call from Marian, a sorely troubled librarian whose name and institution shall remain nameless, inquiring about the purchase of a microcomputer for her…



If you're getting frustrated searching through 60 disks to track down a file, it's time to get organized. First, determine what you have, using the DIR command. Print out listings…


DOS‐tips: Stocking Stuffers

Mark Bendig

If you have an M300 Workstation and a serial printer, you may have noticed that WordStar version 3.3 will not print through the COM2 port even after you have issued the…


Setting Parameters in the 3by5 Program

Myrtle Myers

At the OCLC User Contact Desk, we keep a file of forms containing information on setting up printers to work with the M300 Workstation. We keep these forms in a notebook arranged…


Eleven Pipers Piping ♪ ♪ ♪

Wesley Smith

The DOS‐tips column in the September 1985 issue of OCLC Micro addressed some common uses of the DIRectory command in DOS. While training OCLC staff members on the IBM PC, I have…


Using DOS and dBASE III to Organize Your File Directories

Hal Cheney

There are a number of software utility packages and programs that help you organize the directory of files on your diskettes. However, if you already have dBASE III and have a


Word's Worth

Ray Lyons

Like Ebenezer Scrooge, computers have acquired a negative image that they do not necessarily deserve. Let's consider some ways computers partake of the holiday spirit.


Not for Novices: More Stocking Stuffers

Mark Bendig

One really nice feature of DOS batch files is that they accept “command‐line parameters”. For example, consider a batch file called COPYTOA.BAT, which might be used to copy a file…



WordPerfect 4.0 is an excellent word processing program that has garnered a number of rave reviews, some of which are cited at the end of this article. In fact, it's so good that…




Online date, start – end:

1985 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited