Organization Management Journal : Volume 21 Issue 2 , Open Access


Table of contents

Academic embeddedness and college of business student outcomes

Tyler Burch, Neil Tocher, Greg Murphy

This study aims to examine the potentially important effects of academic embeddedness on college of business student retention and performance as well as the mediating effects of…

Psychological contract breach and mental health: the role of equity sensitivity and self-control

Justice Mensah, Kwesi Amponsah-Tawiah, Nana Kojo Ayimadu Baafi

This study aims to extend the literature on psychological contracts, employee mental health, self-control and equity sensitivity among employees in Ghana.


The impact of procedural justice on employee turnover intentions and the role of two mediators

Miriam O'Callaghan

While there is ample discussion in management studies and organizational behavior textbooks about the factors that impact organizational outcomes, such as employee retention, this…