Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences: Volume 2 Issue 1 , Open Access

Table of contents

Purchasing functional foods to stay fit

Hasliza Hassan, Abu Bakar Sade, Lohan Selva Subramaniam

Health fitness has become a major issue in Malaysia since the population of overweight and obesity is becoming critical. One of the ways to achieve optimum health fitness is by…

Open Access.

Contraceptive discontinuation in Egypt as fertility returns to its 2000 level

Mona Khalifa, Wafaa Abdel Aziz Hussein, Soha Metwally

The similarity of family planning (FP) indicators from EDHS2014 to that of EDHS2000 is alarming for policymakers and researchers who consider it as an echo of the past and a…

Open Access.

Individual choice of management research agendas: Ethical guidance from Islamic prioritization heuristics

Noha El-Bassiouny, Ahmed Amin, Ahmad Jamal

The main research attempts guiding questions about management research agendas had been relevance questions versus rigor questions. Researchers have also attempted to set…

Open Access.

MCMC and GLMs for estimating regression parameters: Evidence from non-life Egyptian insurance sector

Mahmoud ELsayed, Amr Soliman

The purpose of this study is to estimate the linear regression parameters using two alternative techniques. First technique is to apply the generalized linear model (GLM) and the…

Open Access.

An adaptive media strategy for influencing crowd behaviour

Rasha Hassan, Yasser Ibrahim

Media has always been used as a key manipulator of public agendas, political beliefs and individuals’ attitudes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of three…

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  • Professor Mohamed Othman Elkhosht