Emerald Open Research: Volume 1 Issue 9 , Open Access

Table of contents

The design and delivery of a workshop to support curriculum development, education for sustainability and students as partners: sustainability in your curriculum – identify, improve, inspire!

Karen L. Angus-Cole, Robert Eaton, Matthew Dawes

Embedding citizenship and sustainability into higher education curricula is vital for ensuring that curricula remain up-to-date and support students with the skills and knowledge…

Open Access.

Providing an enabling environment to promote the Sustainable Development Goals: Coventry University's experience

Jaliyyah Bello, Selina Fletcher, Mojtaba Ammari-Allahyari

Higher education institutions provide a vital role in providing education towards solving sustainability issues. Hence, the adoption of development agendas, such as the United…

Open Access.

Mapping a university's research outputs to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Asha Mistry, Hannah Sellers, Jeremy Levesley, Sandra Lee

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a framework to achieve sustainable development and fulfilling these Goals will take an unprecedented effort by all sectors in…

Open Access.

Weathering the storm together: cultivating climate leadership through affective pedagogy and psychological support groups

Jenny Myers

How can students become transformational leaders if they are left alone to grapple with the emotional toll of climate change, preparing for careers while scientists sound the…

Open Access.

Building your influence: the role of the smart sustainability leader

Janet Haddock-Fraser, David Gorman

Anyone seeking to influence another is a potential leader. Within higher education, determining what an institution should undertake on sustainability can be daunting…

Open Access.

Exploring corporate engagement with carbon management techniques

Katherine Piper, James Longhurst

This paper explores the different ways of managing carbon in organisational settings. It uses a sequential mixed methods approach – literature review, discussions with…

Open Access.

Reflections on developing a collaborative multi-disciplinary approach to embedding education for sustainable development into higher education curricula

Scott Strachan, Louise Logan, Debra Willison, Rod Bain, Jennifer Roberts, Iain Mitchell, Roddy Yarr

As higher education institutions (HEIs) have increasingly turned to consider sustainability over the last decade, education for sustainable development (ESD) has emerged as a way…

Open Access.



Online date, start – end:

2023 – 2023

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited