Emerald Open Research: Volume 1 Issue 2 , Open Access

Table of contents - Special Issue: Healthier Lives

Co-producing health care – pragmatic principles and an illustration

Axel Kaehne, Lucy Bray, Edmund Horowicz

Co-production has received increasing attention from managers and researchers in public services. In the health care sector, co-production has become a by-word for the meaningful…

Open Access.

COVID-19 and employees’ mental health: stressors, moderators and agenda for organizational actions

Salima Hamouche

Background: This paper examines the impact of coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak on employees’ mental health, specifically psychological distress and depression. It aims at identifying…

Open Access.

Learning from COVID-19: design, age-friendly technology, hacking and mental models

P.J. White, Hannah R. Marston, Linda Shore, Robert Turner

In March 2020 the United Nations published an open brief for the creative community to propose interventions to the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. However, when faced with…

Open Access.

Youth sport and COVID-19: a potential generation lost

Murray Drummond, Sam Elliott, Claire Drummond, Ivanka Prichard

This conceptual/study protocol paper provides important context around the role of sport in Australia where sport provides aspects of community agency through participation…

Open Access.

COVID-19 pandemic, psychological response to quarantine, and knowledge of the disease among inmates in a Nigerian custodial center

Johnson Okoro, Tobechukwu Odionye, Benedicta Nweze, Martins Onuoha, Chinenye Ezeonwuka, Jude Owoh, Joel Nkire

This was a cross-sectional study to assess the psychological response to quarantine during COVID-19 pandemic and knowledge level about the disease among inmates of a Custodial…

Open Access.

Apart but not alone? A cross-sectional study of neighbour support in a major UK urban area during the COVID-19 lockdown

Mat Jones, Amy Beardmore, Michele Biddle, Andy Gibson, Sanda Umar Ismail, Stuart McClean, Jo White

Background: Evidence from a range of major public health incidents shows that neighbour-based action can have a critical role in emergency response, assistance and recovery…

Open Access.

The monetary value of human life losses associated with COVID-19 in Turkey

Joses Muthuri Kirigia, Rose Nabi Deborah Karimi Muthuri, Lenity Honesty Kainyu Nkanata

Background: This study aimed to appraise the monetary value of human life losses associated with COVID-19 in Turkey. To our knowledge, it is the first study in Turkey to value…

Open Access.

Fear of COVID-19 during confinement in Mauritius

Smita Goorah, Jayrani Cheeneebash, Ashvin Gopaul, Satish Ramchurn

Background: Fear has been a common response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic throughout the world. In Mauritius, the outbreak of COVID-19 has been an…

Open Access.

Recognition of symptoms, mitigating mechanisms and self-care experiences of type 2 diabetes patients receiving insulin treatment in North-East Ethiopia

Ewunetie Mekashaw Bayked, Birhanu Demeke Workneh, Mesfin Haile Kahissay

Background: Compliance of patients with self-care practices is the mainstay of measures to manage diabetes. This study explored self-care practices of type 2 diabetes patients…

Open Access.

Food for thought: SDG challenges, corporate social responsibility and food shopping in later life

Christopher Towers, Richard Howarth

With the context of changing global and local populations and, for example, their composition and distribution, this paper offers insight to food shopping in later life with a…

Open Access.

Assessing health research institutions' knowledge transfer strategies from a developing country perspective: the case of Malawi

Patrick Mapulanga

The current paper sought to assess health research institutions in transferring knowledge from health research findings into decision and policy making in Malawi. The study…

Open Access.

The mediation effect of blood production on the relationship between master production scheduling and transfusion sustainability in Uganda

James Kaconco, Betty Nabuuma, Jude Thaddeo Mugarura

Background: This paper examines the relationship between determinants of blood transfusion sustainability (BTS) that is master production scheduling (MPS) and blood production…

Open Access.

The challenge of tackling the obesity economic burden: the case of Uruguay

Ricardo Kaufmann, Norma Pontet-Ubal

The estimation of the burden of a disease is one of the tasks with the longest tradition in health economics, which allows us to know the volume of resources that a country…

Open Access.

Accepting the unacceptable? Exploring how acceptance relates to quality of life and death anxiety in a cancer population

Lucinda Brabbins, Nima Moghaddam, David Dawson

Background: Quality of life is a core concern for cancer patients, which can be negatively affected by illness-related death anxiety; yet understanding of how to appropriately…

Open Access.

COVID-19 and the secret virtual assistants: the social weapons for a state of emergency

Laura Sheerman, Hannah R. Marston, Charles Musselwhite, Deborah Morgan

Technologies are ubiquitous in modern Britain, gradually infiltrating many areas of our working and personal lives. But what role can technology play in the current COVID-19…

Open Access.

Violation of lockdown norms and peaks in daily number of positive cases to COVID-19 in Italy

Gabriele Ruiu, Maria Laura Ruiu

Italy has been the first Western Country to suffer a massive outbreak of COVID-19. Starting from the 11th of March 2020, the Italian Government approved a series of emergency…

Open Access.

What role can videogames play in the COVID-19 pandemic?

Hannah R. Marston, Rachel Kowert

Video games are often thought of as trite activities for younger generations. However, research in game studies over the last few decades have revealed that games can be valuable…

Open Access.

COVID-19 and the role of health promoters and educators

James Woodall

The role of health promoters and educators in the current and future response to COVID-19 is critical, but, to date, under explored. This opinion paper offers a number of…

Open Access.

Health policy and controlling Covid-19 in England: sociological insights

Michael Calnan

The global Covid-19 pandemic is posing considerable challenges for governments throughout the world and has and will have a significant influence on the shape of peoples social…

Open Access.

Attitude and preventive practices towards COVID-19 disease and the impact of awareness training on knowledge of the disease among correctional officers

Johnson Okoro, Ambrose Ekeroku, Benedicta Nweze, Tobechukwu Odionye, Joel Nkire, Martins Onuoha, Chinenye Ezeonwuka, Jude Owoh

COVID-19 remains a public health emergency of international concern. Efforts at the global and national levels are being made to control its spread. The Nigerian Correctional…

Open Access.

Using planning powers to promote healthy weight environments in England

Michael Chang, Duncan Radley

Background: The prevalence of obesity in English adults and children has reached critical levels. Obesity is determined by a wide range of factors including the environment and…

Open Access.

Family violence screening and disclosure response: a public mental health service consumer survey

Caroline Fisher, Lisa Hebel, Laura Bray, Toni D. Withiel

Background: Family violence (FV) is a significant problem that has a bidirectional link with mental health functioning. This research aimed to investigate family violence…

Open Access.

Hyperglycemia in pregnancy diagnosed using glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in Uganda: a preliminary cross-sectional report

Felix Bongomin, Andrew P. Kyazze, Sandra Ninsiima, Ronald Olum, Gloria Nattabi, Winnie Nabakka, Rebecca Kukunda, Charles Batte, Phillip Ssekamatte, Joseph Baruch Baluku, Davis Kibirige, Stephen Cose, Irene Andia-Biraro

Background: Hyperglycemia in pregnancy (HIP) is a common medical complication during pregnancy and is associated with several short and long-term maternal-fetal consequences. We…

Open Access.

Entropy in the “entrepot”: examining the challenges of relief supply chains during COVID-19 pandemic relief item distribution operation-2020 in Uganda

Wilbroad Aryatwijuka, Ruth Nyiramahoro, Asaph Katarangi, Frederick Nsambu Kijjambu, Aloysius Rukundo

Background: The study focuses on the challenges encountered during the distribution of food and face-mask items during the first COVID-19 lock-down by various relief supply chain…

Open Access.



Online date, start – end:

2023 – 2023

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited