Journal of Industry - University Collaboration: Volume 2 Issue 1 , Open Access
Table of contents
A project portfolio selection framework for transforming Iranian universities into entrepreneurial institutions
Nima Golghamat Raad, Mohsen Akbarpour ShiraziThis research proposes a framework by which universities can define and implement projects that transform them into entrepreneurial universities. The framework helps…
The study of customer involved service innovation under the crowdsourcing : A case study of
Lixin Cui, Yibao Liang, Yiling LiService innovation is a key source of competence for service enterprises. Along with the emergence of crowdsourcing platforms, consumers are frequently involved in the process of…
The construction of science and technology innovation policy design framework—take Shandong Province as an example
Yongfei Jia, Chang Liu, Chong Yin, Qing ZhuUnder the background of economic and technological globalization, all countries will pay attention to science and technology innovation policies. At this time, the era of…
A framework to improve university–industry collaboration
Richa Awasthy, Shayne Flint, Ramesh Sankarnarayana, Richard L. JonesThe purpose of this paper is to propose a framework to improve the effectiveness of university–industry collaboration (UIC). This work enhances the existing body of literature and…

2631-357XOnline date, start – end:
2019Journal’s owner:
Research Center for China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration of Wuhan University(opens new window)Open Access:
open accessEditors:
- Prof. Hong Gong
- Prof. Yanping Li