Journal of Industry - University Collaboration: Volume 1 Issue 2 , Open Access
Table of contents
Extending the reach and impact of management research: a question of legitimacy
David J. Finch, John Nadeau, Bill Foster, Norm O’Reilly, Kim Bates, Deryk StecThe issues associated with the production and dissemination of management research have been widely debated amongst administrators, scholars and policymakers for decades. However…
Entrepreneurial ecosystems: a holistic and dynamic approach
Claudia Shwetzer, Alex Maritz, Quan NguyenThe purpose of this paper is to add a holistic and dynamic approach to the emerging body of knowledge of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs). It aims to synthesise research and…
Synergy within the West African Triple Helix innovation systems as measured with game theory
Eustache MêgnigbêtoUniversity, industry and government relationships, known under the Triple Helix, have been studied under various aspects. The West African region and countries have been analysed…

2631-357XOnline date, start – end:
2019Journal’s owner:
Research Center for China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration of Wuhan University(opens new window)Open Access:
open accessEditors:
- Prof. Hong Gong
- Prof. Yanping Li