Journal of Health Research: Volume 35 Issue 3 , Open Access
Table of contents
A study of treatment preference for diarrhea among Tengger people in Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia
Antonius Nugraha Widhi Pratama, Lutfia Wildatul Cahya Ningsih, Ema Rachmawati, Bawon Triatmoko, Elizabeth Yu Tan, Ari Satia NugrahaThis study aims to describe the treatment preference, especially in relation to traditional medicine, modern health care and a combination of both, in diarrheal cases among the…
Perspectives on managing asthma and facilitators in asthma self-management among Thai school-age children: a qualitative study
Wipada Sangnimitchaikul, Boonjai Srisatidnarakul, Sigrid LadoresThis study explored self-management in the context of asthma experiences of school-age children and the factors that facilitate asthma self-management.
Rural-urban differentials in the determinants of under-five mortality in Bhutan
Tashi Dendup, Yun Zhao, I Gusti Ngurah Edi PutraThe differences in the distribution of factors associated with under-five mortality (UFM) can help explain the rural-urban inequities in UFM. The determinants contributing to UFM…
Waterpipe and cigarette tobacco smoking and depressive symptoms among public school students in central Jordan
Sukaina Alzyoud, Farah MassoudTobacco is the most widely used substance in the world that has been linked to several psychological problems. Few studies have assessed the relationship between dual (waterpipe…
The use of photovoice in evaluating a community-based rehabilitation (CBR) program: experiences from CBR volunteers in Namibia
Tonderai Washington Shumba, Desderius Haufiku, Hans AmukugoQualitative participatory methods are needed to measure the effectiveness of the community-based rehabilitation (CBR) program in Namibia. The study explored the experiences of CBR…
Factors associated with social responsibility among university students in Yala, Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic
Awirut SingkunThe objectives of this study were to evaluate knowledge on the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) transmission, attitude toward the measures of COVID-19 prevention and control…
An evaluation of factors affecting the management of COVID-19 in Bangladesh
Syed S.M Sadrul Huda, Afsana Akhtar, Segufta Dilshad, Syeeda Raisa MalihaThe study aims to gain insights into the management of COVID-19 in Bangladesh to identify the factors that are relevant to managing the pandemic in a developing country.
Immunization during COVID-19: let the ninja dance with the dragon
Sanjeev Singh, Sruti Singha Roy, Kirti Sundar SahuThroughout history, pandemics have played a significant role in reshaping human civilizations through mortalities, morbidities, economic losses and other catastrophic…
COVID-19 case fatality rates across Southeast Asian countries (SEA): a preliminary estimate using a simple linear regression model
George R Puno, Rena Christina C Puno, Ida V MaghuyopThe purpose of this study was to determine COVID-19 preliminary case fatality rates (CFR) across Southeast Asian (SEA) countries.
2586-940XOnline date, start – end:
2018 – 2022Editor:
- Alessio Panza