Journal of Health Research: Volume 33 Issue 4 , Open Access

Table of contents

Public knowledge about oral cancer in Uganda: a free dental camp experience

Rose Chalo Nabirye, Adriane Kamulegeya

The purpose of this paper is to assess the levels of awareness and knowledge about oral cancer, its causes and or risk factors among Ugandan patients seeking oral healthcare.

Open Access.

Effectiveness of the Dual Approach Program to promote sexual abstinence in Thai early female adolescents and improve parent-daughter sexual communication

Kultida Hattakitpanichakul, Rutja Phuphaibul, Srisamorn Phumonsakul, Chukiat Viwatwongkasem

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of abstinence-based sexual education programs delivered in parallel to Thai parents and their early adolescent daughters…

Open Access.

Serum lipid, homocysteine, and platelet derived growth factor in patients with hypertension

Patcharaporn Aree, Tanyarat Jomgeow, Krid Thongbunjob, Chiraporn Tachaudomdach

The purpose of this paper is to study serum lipids, lipoproteins, homocysteine (Hcy) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), and to evaluate the relationship between serum…

Open Access.

Pathogens without borders: Ecological determinants of sexual risk-taking behaviors among international travelers across the life course

Yok-Fong Paat, Luis R. Torres

Drawing insights from the ecological theory, the purpose of this paper is to explore social determinants related to pathways to high-risk sexual behaviors of international…

Open Access.

Quality of life and its predictors in Thai patients following multiple trauma

Wilaiwan Saengniam, Chanokporn Jitpanya

The purpose of this paper is to describe the quality of life (QOL) and to examine factors predicting the QOL among the demographic characteristics, injury severity, effect on…

Open Access.

Levels, trends and socio-economic correlates of caesarean section deliveries: District level analysis in Karnataka, India

Javeed A. Golandaj, Jyoti S. Hallad

Caesarean section (CS) is being used as a life-saving surgical tool when complications arise in the process of childbirth. CS rates have dramatically increased across the world…

Open Access.

Antecedent factors of maternal identity among primiparous Thai teenage mothers

Suphawadee Panthumas, Wirin Kittipichai, Kanittha Chamroonsawasdi, Pimsurang Taechaboonsermsak

Maternal identity (MI) is the attainment of maternal role adaptation. Though the role of the motherhood is expected to be achieved, teenagers, who are still developing their…

Open Access.

Emergency contraceptive pill use among women of reproductive age in Pathein, Myanmar

Khin Wai Wai Htun, Korravarn Yodmai, Pimsurang Taechaboonsermsak

Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) allow a second chance to prevent unwanted pregnancy in unplanned sexual intercourse. Therefore, it helps reduce the rate of induced or unsafe…

Open Access.



Online date, start – end:

2018 – 2022


  • Alessio Panza