RAUSP Management Journal: Volume 57 Issue 1 , Open Access


Table of contents

Mobilizing a pluralist theoretical approach to understand microlending digital platforms: the AfricaMC case

Eric van Heck, Ana Clara Souza, Marlei Pozzebon, Maira Petrini

This study aims to explore how a microlending digital platform connects social investors in developed countries and micro-entrepreneurs in Africa. However, additional research is…

Stock options: do they influence dividend payments?

Janaina Muniz, Fernando Galdi, Felipe Storch Damasceno

This study aims to investigate whether there is any influence of the option plan to purchase shares protected from dividends to determine the distribution of dividends in…


Business process prioritization criteria: a case study in the financial market

Robson Porfírio dos Santos, Thaiane Martins Salgado, Veridiana Rotondaro Pereira

This paper aims to analyze and examine how an organization from the financial sector prioritizes its business processes and what criteria are adopted to select the most…


Countries’ governance and competitiveness: business environment mediating effect

Paulo Cesar Bontempo

The purpose of this study is to analyze how institutional governance and business environment affect countries’ competitiveness and their relative importance.


Innovation capabilities in agribusiness: evidence from Brazil

Ricardo Machado Leo, Guilherme Freitas Camboim, Ariane Mello Silva Avila, Fernanda Maciel Reichert, Paulo Antônio Zawislak

This paper aims to identify the winning combination of innovation capabilities for selected Brazilian agribusiness firms along different value chain links.


Antecedent factors of violation of information security rules

Alexandre Cappellozza, Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes, Gilberto Perez, Alessandra Lourenço Simões

This paper aims to investigate the influence of moral disengagement, perceived penalty, negative experiences and turnover intention on the intention to violate the established…