Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal: Volume 25 Issue 2 , Open Access

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Table of contents

It takes a whole society: why Hong Kong’s ICAC cannot succeed alone

Michael Johnston

To show that establishing an anti-corruption agency (ACA), by itself, is not likely to be a successful anti-corruption strategy. Instead, a solid base of social trust…

Open Access.

Corruption, leadership, and the limits of political reform in Japan

Matthew M. Carlson

The purpose of this paper is to examine the challenges of Japanese political leadership in combating corruption with an emphasis on the 1970s and 1980s when Tanaka Kakuei and Miki…

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Challenges in combating corruption in Malaysia: issues of leadership, culture and money politics

David Seth Jones

The aim of the paper is to analyse the prevalence of corruption in Malaysia since 2004 in relation to political leadership, implementation of anti-corruption measures and the…

Open Access.

Historical corruption in a ‘non-corrupt’ society: Aotearoa New Zealand

Robert Gregory, Daniel Zirker

The purpose of this paper is to reconsider, from a historical perspective, New Zealand’s reputation as a country largely without corruption, with particular reference to the…

Open Access.

Lee Kuan Yew’s role in minimising corruption in Singapore

Jon S.T. Quah

This paper analyses the role of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister from June 1959 to November 1990, in minimising corruption by implementing a zero-tolerance policy…

Open Access.

Leadership and anti-corruption reforms in Taiwan: a comparison of Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou

Ernie Ko

This article analyzes the implementation of anti-corruption reforms in Taiwan by two former presidents, Chen Shui-bian (2000-2008) and Ma Ying-jeou (2008-2016).

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Leadership and culture in combating corruption: a comparative analysis

Jon S.T. Quah

This paper analyses the importance of leadership and culture in combating corruption in Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan.

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