Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies: Volume 31 Issue 4 , Open Access
Table of contents
Does export promotion enhance firm-level intensive margin of exports? Evidence from a meta-regression analysis
Binyam Afewerk DemenaThe impact of export promotion programs (EPPs) on the intensive margin of exports remains somewhat uncertain. This study tackles a crucial question: does export promotion enhance…
ESG and firm performance: do stakeholder engagement, financial constraints and religiosity matter?
Ly Ho, Van Ha Nguyen, Tung Lam DangThis study revisits the relationship between environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities and firm performance. More importantly, it tests whether this relationship is…
Are government budgets a visible stabilizer? Evidence from China since the tax-assignment reform
Cheng Li, Hui YaoThis study quantitatively examines the relationship between economic fluctuations and government budget size in the context of China’s fiscal decentralization, drawing inspiration…
Consumption inequality between farm and non-farm households in rural Vietnam
Thong Le Pham, Nghiem Tan Le, Nhi Nhat Phuong Ho, Thanh Cong LeThis study aims to analyse the consumption inequality between farm and non-farm households in rural Vietnam, using the data from the 2016 Vietnam household living standards survey.
The role of debt maturity in stock price crash risk: a comparison of developing and developed Asian economies
Muhammad Jawad Haider, Maqsood Ahmad, Qiang WuThis study examines the impact of debt maturity structure on stock price crash risk (SPCR) in Asian economies and the moderating effect of firm age on this relationship.
The underpricing and long-term performance of Chinese IPOs listed on the Hong Kong exchange
Hua Deng, Wendong LiuThis study aims to inform prospective listing firms, investors and regulators of the unique drivers of Chinese initial public offering (IPO) pricing on the Hong Kong Exchange.

2515-964XOnline date, start – end:
2018Journal’s owner:
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City(opens new window)Open Access:
open accessEditors:
- Nguyen Trong Hoai
- Toan Luu Duc Huynh