Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies: Volume 31 Issue 2 , Open Access

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Table of contents

The influence of financial market development on de jure central bank independence in the Asia–Pacific

Law Chee-Hong

This study investigates the impact of financial development, measured by the ratio of broad money to gross domestic products, on de jure central bank (CB) independence (CBI) in 17…

Open Access.

Trade uncertainty and investments in an emerging country: a Fourier VAR approach

Mert Akyuz, Muhammed Sehid Gorus, Cihan Gunes

This investigation aims to determine the effect of trade uncertainty on domestic investment (DI) and foreign direct investment (FDI) for the Turkish economy from the first quarter…

Open Access.

Monetary stance and favorableness of the monetary policy in the media: the case of Vietnam

Thang Ngoc Doan, Dong Phu Do, Dat Van Luong

This paper analyzes the effects of the monetary stance on the media's favorable (or otherwise) attitude to the State Bank of Vietnam's (SBV) monetary policy using monthly data…

Open Access.

Corporate social responsibility initiatives of banks and customers’ selection of banks in Hong Kong

Huong Ha, Man Chung Wong, Hui Shan Loh

This study examines whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives positively impact customers’ selection of retail banks in Hong Kong (HK) and identifies which CSR…

Open Access.

Understanding how investors respond to different social responsibility communications: an empirical analysis of Japan

Miho Murashima

This study explores the variance in investor responses to the corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance of firms, as influenced by information sources and investor types.

Open Access.

Location choice of foreign direct investment in technical KIBS in China: impact of human capital and intellectual property rights protection

Shijie Li

This study considers the “technology creation” characteristic of technical knowledge-intensive business services (T-KIBS) and examines how human capital and intellectual property…

Open Access.
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  • Nguyen Trong Hoai
  • Toan Luu Duc Huynh