Journal of Capital Markets Studies: Volume 2 Issue 1 , Open Access


Table of contents

Combating corporate tax avoidance by requiring large companies to file their tax returns

Prem Sikka

The purpose of this paper is to develop arguments for a public policy of requiring all large companies to make their tax returns publicly available. It is argued that such a…


Towards a well-functioning stock market in context: Critically appreciating issues in interpreting efficient markets research and its regulatory implications

Jim Haslam, Jiao Ji, Hanwen Sun

The purpose of this paper is to summarise and reflect upon key issues at the interface of prices, information and regulation with a focus upon the stock market in context…


Comprehensive evaluation of the financial performance for intermediary institutions based on multi-criteria decision making method

Guler Aras, Nuray Tezcan, Ozlem Kutlu Furtuna

The purpose of this paper is to assess the financial performance of the intermediary institutions that have operated in the Turkish capital markets taking the issue of bank-origin…


Which aspects of CSR predict firm market value?

Stevan Bajic, Burcin Yurtoglu

There is evidence that corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices predict higher firm value, but little evidence on which specific aspects of CSR drive this relationship. The…


A dynamic model for housing price spillovers with an evidence from the US and the UK markets

Alper Ozun, Hasan Murat Ertugrul, Yener Coskun

The purpose of this paper is to introduce an empirical model for house price spillovers between real estate markets. The model is presented by using data from the US-UK and…


Cointegration and causality in capital markets

A. Can Inci

The purpose of this paper is to study the efficiency of different oil and gas markets. Most previous studies examined the issue using low frequency date sampled at monthly…

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  • Prof Guler Aras