Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance: Volume 23 Issue 2

Table of contents

Not over my backyard: the regulatory conflict between 5G rollout and environmental and historic preservation

Benjamin W. Cramer

This paper aims to analyze the environmental and historic preservation precedents that have been adopted and acknowledged by telecommunications firms when expanding their physical…


Initial coin offerings: an emergent research area

Ana Brochado, Michael Louis Troilo

The purpose of this paper is to identify the main insights current literature offers regarding initial coin offerings (ICOs) and the avenues for future research.


Ghana’s ICT4AD policy: between policy and reality

Kennedy Kumangkem Kubuga, Daniel Azerikatoa Ayoung, Stephen Bekoe

Nearly at the end of its lifespan, the Ghana ICT4AD policy is in a position for a holistic view, especially through the eyes of the intended beneficiaries. This paper aims to fill…


What influences citizens’ expectations towards digital government? An exploratory survey

Anthony Simonofski, Antoine Clarinval, Benoît Vanderose, Bruno Dumas, Monique Snoeck

Governments around the world engage in digitalization projects to improve their internal functioning and the delivery of information and services to their users, including…


Local government website usability on mobile devices: test results and recommendations

Karol Król, Dariusz Zdonek

The range of official business that can be handled online has grown in the recent decade. In many cases, e-services are a must. At the same time, the economic impact and social…


The production and distribution of digital content in China. An historical account of the role of internet companies and videogames

Jean Paul Simon

This paper aims to shed some light on the history of the Chinese videogames industry, to document the growth of the leading companies and reveal how they have been morphing into…

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  • Professor Anna Visvizi