International Journal of Comparative Education and Development: Volume 22 Issue 2
The Official Journal of the Comparative Education Society of Hong KongTable of contents
Enrolment status disparity: evidence from secondary education in Myanmar
Natsuho YoshidaThe purpose of this paper is to explore individual enrolment trajectories to fully understand the actual disparity in secondary education enrolment statuses among the different…
How does the quality of public education influence the citizens’ willingness to support it? Evidence from a comparative survey of 27 countries
Nazim Habibov, Alena Auchynnikava, Rong LuoThe purpose of this paper is to empirically test two opposing theoretical hypotheses from research literature: low quality of public education boosts support for public education;…
Integrated STEM teaching competencies and performances as perceived by secondary teachers in South Korea
Miran SongThe purpose of this paper is to explore what key competencies and characteristics of teachers are needed for integrated Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM…
“New managerialism” in higher education: the case of United Arab Emirates
Shalini Ajayan, Sreejith BalasubramanianThe aim of this study is to assess the managerial practices in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) higher education sector through the lens of “new managerialism”.
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2016Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Jae Park