European Journal of Management Studies , Open Access
Issue(s) available: 13 – From Volume: 25 Issue: 1, to Volume: 29 Issue: 3

Advancing management scholarship internationally through theoretical emancipation
Ke Cao, Li Tong, Yongzhi DuAn increasing consensus has been built on advancing management scholarship in contexts other than Anglophone North America. However, debates and arguments about how to do so…
Unveiling the gaze: deciphering key factors in selecting knowledge workers through eye-tracking analysis
Mahshid Pourhosein, Mehdi SabokroThe purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the characteristics and visual patterns of successful knowledge workers using quantitative methods, particularly eye-tracking…
Signal optimization: using signals to mitigate information overload in crowdfunding campaigns
Nischal Thapa, Puspa Shah, Yogendra AdhikariThis study explores how information volume affects crowdfunding success and identifies the signals – operational transparency, past crowdfunding experience, perceived project…
Management control systems and dynamic capabilities as antecedents to financial performance
Thiago Bruno de Jesus Silva, Cristian Bau Dal Magro, Joséilton Silveira da Rocha, Carlos Eduardo Facin LavardaThe resource-based theory (RBT) explains that the management control system (MCS) represents a resource that complements dynamic capabilities by steering employees toward…
The impact of the pandemic on management in public sector organisations
Charlotte Meierdirk, Stephanie FleischerThis study investigates management challenges, communication plans and crisis decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic, plus highlights management excellence for future…
The impact of perceived knowledge on marketing agility in the context of big data: role of deployment level
Matti Haverila, Kai Christian Haverila, Caitlin McLaughlinAgainst the backdrop of dynamic capabilities theory, this research examines the relationship between knowledge and marketing agility in the context of big data marketing analytics…
2183-4172Online date, start – end:
2020Open Access:
open accessEditors:
- Tiago Cardão-Pito
- Gurpreet Dhillon