Digital Library Perspectives: Volume 40 Issue 4

Table of contents

“It answers questions that I didn’t know I had”: PhD students’ evaluation of an information-sharing knowledge graph

Stanislava Gardasevic, Manika Lamba

Interdisciplinary PhD programs can be challenging as the vital information needed by students may not be readily available; it is scattered across the university’s websites, while…


Undergraduates’ experiences with library portal services: perceptions of usefulness and satisfaction

Adenike Elizabeth Ajisebutu, Adebowale Jeremy Adetayo, Mariam Kehinde Alawiye, Bosede Olufunmilayo Makinde

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the perceived usefulness and satisfaction levels of undergraduate students with respect to university library portal services…


Dynamics of plagiarism among the social sciences students at Kuwait University

Dalal Yousef Albudaiwi, Mike Allen, Ayman Alhabshi, Ahmad Alsaber

This study investigated the factors contributing to the reduction of plagiarism. It focuses on elucidating the concept of plagiarism, its legal and ethical implications, the…


Digital information needs and information-seeking behaviour among legal practitioners at the Lahore High Court, Punjab, Pakistan

Samreen Junaid, Muhammad Ijaz Mairaj, Sanila Aslam

This study aims to investigate the digital information needs and seeking behaviour of legal practitioners practising at the Lahore High Court in the Punjab province of Pakistan.


Multimethod digitalisation of a large-format school map from the first half of the 20th century

Ana Carrasco-Huertas, Ana Reyes Pérez, Domingo Campillo García

This study aims to delve into the effectiveness of applying traditional and more advanced digital means to document elements of cultural heritage, in this case large-format…


Cultural heritage preservation in the digital age, harnessing artificial intelligence for the future: a bibliometric analysis

Dessy Harisanty, Kathleen Lourdes Ballesteros Obille, Nove E. Variant Anna, Endah Purwanti, Fitri Retrialisca

This study aims to investigate the performance analysis, science mapping and future direction of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, applications, tools and software used to…


Preservation of theses and dissertations in the era of digitization: a case study of selected universities in Oyo state, Nigeria

Ayodele Akinola, Oluwatoyin Olukemi Oso, Oludare Adebanji Shorunke, Olawunmi Grace Oyadele

Digital preservation of theses and dissertations (TDs) is crucial for the archiving (long-term preservation) of intellectual content of undergraduate and postgraduate students in…


Are faculty members aware of global university ranking? A study in the context of a developing country

Anwarul Islam

The purpose of this study is to measure the awareness of the global university ranking and its parameters among the faculty members at Dhaka University. This also identifies the…


Does ChatGPT generate fake results? Challenges in retrieving content through ChatGPT

Muhammad Safdar, Nadeem Siddique, Ayesha Gulzar, Haisim Yasin, Muhammad Ajmal Khan

ChatGPT is a new development in this technological era. This artificial intelligence-based tool responds to individuals’ queries and produces the requested content within seconds…


Artificial intelligence literacy: a proposed faceted taxonomy

Ali Shiri

The purpose of this paper is to propose a taxonomy of artificial intelligence (AI) literacy to support AI literacy education and research.

Cover of Digital Library Perspectives







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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Anna Maria Tammaro