Digital Library Perspectives: Volume 32 Issue 1

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Table of contents

From strings to things

Robert Fox

This paper aims to explore current developments in the semantic Web and the role libraries can play in exposing institutional and bibliographic content using linked data and…


Informatics and data science: an overview for the information professional

H Frank Cervone

This paper aims to describe the emerging field of data science, its significance in the larger information landscape and some issues that distinguish the problems of data science…


Baptists in Burma: collaboratively mapping missionary archives

Joshua Finnell

– The purpose of this case study is to discuss and analyze the process of developing and sustaining a multi-institutional digital humanities projects across several institutions.


The library and the academic resource center: Building and supporting programs, services and resources collaboratively at a new university

Raymond Pun

This paper aims to explore the library’s on-going relationship with the academic resource center (ARC), and how over the past two years, there have been new services and programs…


Migrating a specialized locally created database into WorldCat

David N. Nelson, Larry Hansard, Linda Turney

The purpose of this paper is to describe the process and the personnel skills required for converting a non-MARC database file into a MARC file for uploading to both OCLC and a…


The usability study on the multicultural children’s book project of the National Library for Children and Young Adults (NLCY) in Korea

Wooseob Jeong

The purpose of this study is to identify usability issues on a storytelling digital library with six languages provided by the National Library for Children and Young Adults…

Cover of Digital Library Perspectives







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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Anna Maria Tammaro