Arts and the Market: Volume 11 Issue 3

Table of contents

Art collecting as consumption and entrepreneurial marketing as strategy

Ian Fillis, Kim Lehman

The authors adopt a biographical methodology to investigate how a privately funded art museum has risen to become a key visitor destination on the island of Tasmania, Australia.


Expectation of being affected: an enactive perspective of spectators' expectations of contemporary dance

Saara Moisio

This article examines how spectators describe their expectations of contemporary dance by referring to action. Through discussing a qualitative audience study, the article argues…

Open Access.

Artists as cultural intermediaries? Remediating practices of production and consumption

Steven Hadley

The purpose of this paper is to discuss findings from an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)-funded research project into the heritage culture of British folk tales. The…

Open Access.

Consumer satisfaction in performing arts: an empirical investigation into Romanian theatres

Claudia Maria Cacovean, Alessandro M. Peluso, Ioan Plăiaș

The aim of the study is to explore the chain of relationships between service attributes, consumers' perceived benefits, fulfilment of personal goals, satisfaction judgements and…


The effect of knowledge type and culture on arts audiences’ propensity for experience-sharing

Verdiana Chieffi, Marco Pichierri, Alessandro M. Peluso, Cristiana Collu, Gianluigi Guido

This study examines the effect of both objective knowledge (i.e., what arts audience members actually know about art) and subjective knowledge (i.e., what arts audiences members…


Heritagisation of pop culture by museums and an analysis of visitor feedback

David S. Waller, Helen J. Waller

In recent years, there has been a “heritagisation” of pop culture, including music, whereby cultural institutions, such as galleries and museums in primarily Western countries…


Seeing the invisible: brand authenticity and the cultural production of queer imagination

Jonatan Södergren, Niklas Vallström

The twofold aim of this theory-building article is to raise questions about the ability of queer cinema to transform market culture and ideologies around gender and sexuality…

Open Access.
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  • Prof Laurie Meamber