International Journal of Public Leadership: Volume 19 Issue 1

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Table of contents

Authentic leadership journey: an empirical discussion from Pakistani higher education employing the lay theory of psychology

Ansar Abbas, Dian Ekowati, Aisha Anwar

From a lay theory standpoint, the authentic leadership journey has not been perceived together. Both theories are evaluated to determine what may be developed to reflect an…


Developing a civic capacity index: measuring community capacity to respond to civic challenges

David D. Chrislip, David MacPhee, Patti Schmitt

Some communities in the USA are remarkably better at responding to civic challenges than others. These communities are more competent at marshaling their resources – material and…


Leave No One Behind: how systemic racism impacts Sustainable Development Goals

Kutisha T. Ebron, Cheyenne Luzynski, Carolynn S. Nath Komanski

This paper critiques how the member states adopted the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a concerted effort to improve the lives and meet the basic needs…


The empirical relationship between transformational leadership and job attitudes: mediating role of psychological capital – a study of healthcare in India

Tanveer Ahmad Shah, Zahoor Ahmad Parray, Shahbaz ul Islam

The goal of this research is to investigate the association between transformational leadership style, psychological capital and job attitude (job satisfaction and organization…


Servant leadership and employee's job performance: the role of public service motivation in Ethiopian public sector organizations

Santap Sanhari Mishra, Molla Hussen Hassen

This study aims mainly to examine the mediating role of public service motivation (PSM) in the relationship between servant leadership and employee performance in the context of…


From affective polarization to fruitful politics: a new public leadership inspired by the UN's 2030 Agenda

Gonzalo Romero-Martín, María Ángeles Caraballo-Pou, Carmen Merchán-Hernández

Who leads and the purpose of public leadership matter. The aim of this viewpoint essay is to examine the fundamentals of public policy design and implementation as well as…

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  • Dr Tim Mau