Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences: Volume 28 Issue 2


Table of contents

An empirical study of the influence of intensity of competition on the deployment of contemporary management accounting practices and managerial techniques in Egyptian firms

Ahmed Abdel‐Maksoud, Wagdy Abdallah, Mayada Youssef

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of managers’ perception of the importance of aspects of competition on levels of deployment of contemporary management…

Developing customer satisfaction indices using SERVQUAL sampling surveys : A case study of Al‐Ain municipality inspectors

M.Y. El‐Bassiouni, M. Madi, T. Zoubeidi, M.Y. Hassan

The purpose of this paper is to develop customer satisfaction indices for the services provided by inspectors in certain departments of Al‐Ain Municipality, the United Arab…


Dual/joint auditors and the level of compliance with international financial reporting standards (IFRS‐required disclosure): The case of financial institutions in Kuwait

Faisal S. Alanezi, Mishari M. Alfaraih, Eyad A. Alrashaid, Saad S. Albolushi

The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of a dual‐audit/joint‐audit process and the level of compliance with IFRS in listed Kuwaiti financial institutions.


Determinants of multinational banks’ subsidiary performance: the host and home country effects

Fadzlan Sufian

The purpose of this paper is to provide new empirical evidence on the performance of multinational banks as a subset of the eclectic theory.

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  • Associate Professor Ghulam A Arain
  • Dr Rebecca Abraham