Journal for Multicultural Education: Volume 18 Issue 3

Table of contents - Special Issue: Moving beyond antiblackness: from critical race theory to BlackCrit

Guest Editors: Jordan Bell, Lorenz S. Neuwirth, Keisha Goode, Justin Coles, Esther Ohito, Willie Morris

It will take nations of billions to obstruct our dreams: extending BlackCrit through Afrofuturism

S.R. Toliver

The purpose of this paper is to further theorize BlackCrit to include a deeper focus on the framing idea of Black liberatory fantasy via Afrofuturism.


Dreaming beyond education policy: a BlackCrit analysis of ESEA and ESSA

Robert P. Robinson, Jordan Bell

The purpose of this study is to analyze the first major federal education policy, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and the most recent federal policy, the Every…

Open Access.

Critical love praxis as pro-Black pedagogy: a literature synthesis of empirical research in K-12 education

Francheska D. Starks, Mary McMillan Terry

This study aims to examine how critical love theory is operationalized in K-12 classrooms to support Black children. The authors use BlackCrit and a conceptual framework of…


Toward Black abolition theory within radical abolition studies: upending practices, structures, and epistemes of domination

Kia Turner, Darion Wallace, Danielle Miles-Langaigne, Essence Deras

This study aims to present radical abolition studies, which encourages us to (re)member that the abolition of institutions and systems is incomplete without the abolition of their…


Left behind but not left alone: testimonies of Black preservice experiences with white cooperating teachers

Robert P. Robinson, Stephanie Patrice Jones

The purpose of this study was to examine the preservice educational narratives of Black English teachers in an effort to determine their experiences within teacher education…


Persistent environmental lead exposures disrupting black children’s neurodevelopment and quality of life trajectories: an under-recognized ACE in the hole

Lorenz S. Neuwirth, Jordan Bell

Lead is a well-established environmental contaminant that over the last 50 years has become recognized as a neurotoxin with its greatest concern for the developing child (i.e…

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  • Sherry Deckman