Journal for Multicultural Education: Volume 13 Issue 3

Table of contents

School counselors and school psychologists as collaborators of college and career readiness for students in urban school settings

Erik M. Hines, Desiree D. Vega, Renae Mayes, Paul C. Harris, Michelle Mack

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of both the school counselor and the school psychologist in preparing students in urban school settings for college and/or the…


Teaching through culture: One teacher’s use of culturally relevant practices for African American preschoolers

Toni Denese Sturdivant, Iliana Alanís

Oftentimes, attempts at culturally relevant early childhood practices are limited to diverse materials in the physical environment. The purpose of this study is to document the…


Intersectionality in the narratives of black women in computing through the education and workforce pipeline

Ryoko Yamaguchi, Jamika D. Burge

The purpose of this study is to investigate the narratives of 93 Black women in computing in the USA to identify salient themes that are at the intersection of race and gender in…


Assessing the diversity-related professional development needs of pre-service teachers

Ozalle Marie Toms, Kim Reddig, Stephanie Jones-Fosu

The purpose of this study was to assess the diversity-related professional development needs of pre-service teachers in our college. According to a report released in 2017 by the…


Pedagogical dilemmas among Bedouin-Palestinian peace educators in Israel

Tal Litvak Hirsch, Alon Lazar, Kamal Abu Hadubah

The purpose of this study is to learn how minority peace educators grapple with dilemmas related to their involvement in peace programs.


Are teacher-credentialing programs providing enough training in multiculturalism for pre-service teachers?

Tricia Denise Delk

The purpose of this study is to explore how multicultural curriculum and instruction in a teacher-credentialing program prepared pre-service teachers to work with diverse students.


Microaggressive classroom language and diminished cognitive functioning

Brea M. Banks, Kara Cicciarelli

The current literature has not provided insight into the effects of using racially derogatory words in the context of academic instruction or when reviewing historical texts. This…

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  • Sherry Deckman