Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour: Volume 8 Issue 4

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Table of contents

ASAP-ID: substance abuse programme for a forensic ID population

Joseph Allan Sakdalan, Daniel McGarry Kittner, Devika Judd

There are a lack of recourses for substance abuse (SA) treatment for forensic clients with intellectual disabilities (ID). Many complexities arise when treating this population…


A review of the pharmacological management of sexually offending behaviour in learning disabled offenders

Stephanie Sloan, Eleanor Brewster

The management of sexual offending is a major challenge, particularly in men who have an intellectual disability. Psychological therapies have been shown beneficial, and…


Revealing the training on intellectual and developmental disabilities among forensic mental health professionals: a survey report

Jennifer C. Sarrett

The purpose of this paper is to assess the training forensic mental health professionals in the USA receive on intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Given the…


Incompatibilities and seclusion of patients with an autism spectrum disorder detained in high-secure psychiatric care

David Murphy, Emma-Louise Bush, Ignazio Puzzo

Whilst individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) represent a relatively small proportion of patients detained in high-secure psychiatric care (HSPC), previous research…


Football teams for people with intellectual disabilities living in the community: “it helps your self-esteem and that, don’t it?”

Rose White, Katherine Lister, Kristian Northend, Stephen Moore, Kelly Rayner

People with intellectual disabilities (ID) can be vulnerable to developing mental health problems. It has been found that participating in regular exercise can help to improve…


A critical review of current police training and policy for autism spectrum disorder

Diana Hepworth

The purpose of this paper is to critically review the current police training and criminal justice policy regarding the treatment of suspects with autism spectrum disorder (ASD…

Cover of Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour







Online date, start – end:

2013 – 2024

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Verity Chester