Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour: Volume 8 Issue 3

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Table of contents - Special Issue: What works

Guest Editors: John L. Taylor, William R. Lindsay

The validity of two diagnostic systems for personality disorder in people with intellectual disabilities: a short report

William R. Lindsay, Anne van Logten, Robert Didden, Lesley Steptoe, John L. Taylor, Todd E. Hogue

Over the last ten years, there has been greater interest in the diagnosis of personality disorder (PD) in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). One…


Social-moral awareness and theory of mind in adult offenders who have intellectual disabilities

Sarah Hammond, Nigel Beail

There has been little empirical investigation into the theoretical relationship between moral reasoning and offending in people with intellectual disabilities (ID). The purpose of…


Teaching early reading skills to adult offenders with intellectual disability using computer-delivered instruction

David V. O’Sullivan, Corinna F. Grindle, J. Carl Hughes

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility, and effectiveness, of using Headsprout Early Reading (HER), an online computer program, to teach basic reading skills to…


Sixteen years of the Brooklands Thinking Skills Offender Programme

Gareth Hickman, Su Thrift, Rani Dhaliwal, Chénelle Taylor

The purpose of this paper is to report on the Brooklands Thinking Skills Offender Programme (BTSOP), a social problem-solving skills group programme developed and provided to…


Development and implementation of a discharge pathway protocol for detained offenders with intellectual disabilities

John L. Taylor, Susan Breckon, Christopher Rosenbrier, Polly Cocker

Building the Right Support, a national plan for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) in England aims to avoid lengthy stays in hospital for such people. Discharge planning…

Cover of Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour







Online date, start – end:

2013 – 2024

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Verity Chester