Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour: Volume 7 Issue 4
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Table of contents
Exorcising restraint: reducing the use of restrictive interventions in a secure learning disability service
Tim RidingThe purpose of this paper is to describe the nature and impact of a restraint reduction strategy implemented within a secure learning disability service in response to the…
Resolve: a community-based forensic learning disability service specialising in supporting male sex offenders – our model, approach and evidence base for effective intervention
Anne Graham, Celia Harbottle, David KingThe purpose of this paper is to examine a model of effective forensic practice with positive interventions for men with learning disabilities who have committed serious sexual…
Perceptions of FASD by United States District Attorneys
Jerrod Brown, Don Helmstetter, Diane Harr, Jay SinghThe majority of individuals diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) will become involved with the criminal justice system during their lifetime. Due to the signs and…
The Short Dynamic Risk Scale (SDRS) vs START: does either have a relationship with recordings of risk?
Rebecca Brewer, Lucy Pomroy, Michelle Wells, Joanne RatcliffeThe purpose of this paper is to provide wider research evidence for the use of the Short Dynamic Risk Scale (SDRS) in risk management with individuals who have an Intellectual…

2050-8824Renamed from:
Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending BehaviourOnline date, start – end:
2013 – 2024Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Verity Chester