Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour: Volume 6 Issue 3/4
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Table of contents - Special Issue: Scotland: legislation, policy and practice
Guest Editors: Dr Fergus Douds and Professor Michael Brown
Evolution and devolution: Scottish legislation relevant to people with intellectual disabilities within mental health and forensic services
Fergus Douds, Fabian HautThe purpose of this paper is to describe the evolution of legislation relevant to people with intellectual disabilities (IDs) since the Scottish Parliament came into being in…
The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland – a unique and influential voice
Colin McKay, Heather Welsh– The purpose of this paper is to describe the unique and independent role of the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland.
Am I there yet? The views of people with learning disability on forensic community rehabilitation
Alana Davis, Michael Doyle, Ethel Quayle, Suzanne O'RourkePreviously, diversion from the criminal justice system for people with learning disability (LD) and serious forensic needs in Scotland meant hospitalisation. More recently new…
Making a difference? Ten years of managing people with intellectual disability and forensic needs in the community
Jana de Villiers, Michael DoyleNationally community services for patients with intellectual disability and forensic needs are limited, and research to guide service development for this patient group with…
The needs of people with mild learning disabilities within the Scottish criminal justice system: a qualitative study of healthcare perspectives
Fellex Mediseni, Michael BrownThe Purpose of this paper is to identify and explore the views and experiences of specialist learning disability (LD) health service professionals regarding the management of and…
Scotland ' s approach to forensic mental health and learning disabilities – the Forensic Network
Helen Walker, Lesley Murphy, Vivienne GrationThe Forensic Mental Health Services Managed Care Network is described, including the School of Forensic Mental Health. The purpose of this paper is to outline background, it…
Police interviews in Scotland – use of appropriate adults
Keith Bowden, Ian Wilson– The purpose of this paper is to show the development of Appropriate Adult services in Scotland over the past nine years and considers how this differs from the rest of the UK.
Working together: making the case for integrated forensic services for people with intellectual disabilities
Kenneth MacMahon, Ricky McClementsThere is a general consensus that healthcare for people with intellectual disabilities should be provided by multi-disciplinary teams. Within a forensic setting, recommendations…

2050-8824Renamed from:
Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending BehaviourOnline date, start – end:
2013 – 2024Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Verity Chester