Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour: Volume 12 Issue 2
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Table of contents
Clinical and criminal profile of internet offenders with ASD
Lorraine Higham, Alessandra Girardi, Holly Victoria EdwardsAutism-specific characteristics have been associated with internet criminal activities. Internet and non-internet offenders differ on a series of demographic, psychological and…
Forensic intellectual disability services: differences in staff perspectives in the Danish and Norwegian systems
Eskil Nyhus, Søren Holst, Charlotte Munch, Erik SøndenaaPersons with intellectual disabilities (ID) who offend are treated differently depending on the national jurisdiction. Norway and Denmark are two such examples. The differences in…
Men with intellectual disabilities and sexual offending histories: an exploration of their experiences of living within a secure hospital setting
Stacey Heppell, John RoseThere is a national drive to transform services for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID), to provide care within the community rather than hospital settings. However…

2050-8824Renamed from:
Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending BehaviourOnline date, start – end:
2013 – 2024Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Verity Chester