Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education: Volume 13 Issue 3


Table of contents

Integration of e-learning technologies for interactive teaching and learning process: an empirical study on higher education institutes of Pakistan

Muhammad Mujtaba Asad, Nadia Hussain, Maria Wadho, Zahid Hussain Khand, Prathamesh P. Churi

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has become a major driving force in transforming education worldwide. Similarly, in the last ten years, the usage of…


STEM faculty members' experience of sabbatical leave: a narrative study

Naser Shirbagi, Parisa Gholami

In this research, which has involved collecting Iranian faculty members' accounts of their experiences of sabbaticals, the authors are seeking to understand how faculty members…

Unleashing a quantitative approach to manage admissions in engineering: a case of the North Indian state

Bikram Jit Singh, Harsimran Singh Sodhi, Rippin

The growth and prosperity of a nation depends upon its ability to innovate technologically and engineering has erupted as a fundamental chauffer of this essence, since last couple…


An empirical study of the dynamic relationships between the core and supporting brand equity dimensions in higher education

Tulay Girard, Musa Pinar

This study aims to use a holistic approach to empirically examine the direct and indirect relationships of both core and supporting consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) dimensions…


Beyond course work: expanding what’s valued in computer science degree programs

Seungoh Paek, Peter Leong, Philip M. Johnson, Carleton Moore

As the field of Computer Science (CS) continues to diversify and expand, the need for undergraduates to explore career possibilities and develop personalized study paths has never…

Investigating the relationship between career development and productivity with the mediating role of self-regulation among university staff

Samira Delbari, Saeed Rajaipour, Yasamin Abedini

The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between career development and productivity of the university staff with the mediating role of self-regulation.

Entrepreneurial potential of students of MBA and engineering schools in the Indian context: roles of leadership and achievement motivation

Hasirumane Venkatesh Mukesh, Nandana Prabhu, Navin Kumar Koodamara, Suman Chakraborty, Pallavi Kamath

The central purpose of this study is to investigate the relative effects of leadership styles, i.e. transactional leadership and transformational leadership, and achievement…

The mediating role of self-congruity in transnational higher education choice: a proposed framework

Pranakusuma Sudhana, Noermijati Noermijati, Ananda Sabil Hussein, Nur Khusniyah Indrawati

This paper aims to propose a conceptual framework to bridge the gap between the dimensions of brand equity (brand awareness, brand association and perceived quality) and the…

Addressing unrealistic optimism with counterfactual reasoning in an employability module in higher education

Jill Hanson, Ciaran Burke

The study aimed to explore the effect of second year business students engaging in counterfactual reasoning on their unrealistic optimism regarding attainment on an employability…

The influence of psychological, motivational, and behavioral factors on university students' achievements: the mediating effect of academic adjustment

Syed Ali Raza, Wasim Qazi, Sara Qamar Yousufi

Academic adjustment is an important indicator which represents the students' academic achievements. The purpose of this investigation is to examine the fundamental role of…


Can introductory financial accounting grades predict student choice to major in accounting?

Sarah Dyce, Camillo Lento, Claudio Pousa

Social cognitive career theory (“SCCT”) suggests that positive feedback can influence educational choices. Introductory courses often provide students with their first opportunity…

Activity-based work and its implications for the academic work environment

Tuija Muhonen, Hanne Berthelsen

The aim of the current interview study was to investigate how the university staff and their immediate managers perceived the academic work environment after a transition to…

Differences in the influence of aesthetic experience on the innovative behaviors of Thai students and Chinese international students

Yuan-Cheng Chang, Napawan Jaisook

The purpose of this study aims to understand if there are any differences in the influence of aesthetic experience and creative self-efficacy on innovative behaviors of Thai…

Knowledge, attitudes and practices of sustainability in two university populations, Colombia

Walter Salas-Zapata, Jaiberth Antonio Cardona-Arias

The objective of this study was to analyze knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on the sustainability in two populations of university students.

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  • Dr. Patrick Blessinger