Meditari Accountancy Research: Volume 22 Issue 1

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Table of contents - Special Issue: The Accounting Academic

The accounting academic

Grant Samkin, Annika Schneider

– This paper aims to consider the accounting academic, the environment in which the academic operates and the challenges they face.


Australian accounting academics: challenges and possibilities

James Guthrie, Elaine Evans, Roger Burritt

– The purpose of this paper is to provide a thought-provoking, attention-directing diegesis about the quality of the experience for those working as academic accounting scholars.


SUPER-VISION? Personal experiences of an accounting academic

Stewart Lawrence

The aim of this paper is to illustrate the social aspects of supervising students’ research of accounting practice. It attempts to demonstrate that accounting practice and…


The Australian accounting academic in the 1950s: R.J. Chambers and networks of accounting research

Martin E. Persson, Christopher J. Napier

The purpose of this paper is to examine the challenges faced by an Australian accounting academic, R. J. Chambers, in the 1950s, in breaking into the accounting research…


Using university websites to profile accounting academics and their research output: A three country study

Grant Samkin, Annika Schneider

The purpose of this paper is to examine the profiles of Australian, New Zealand and South African accounting faculty members. Additionally, the study investigates whether there…


Educating professionals: Describing the knowledge agency of Accounting academics

Ilse Lubbe

The purpose of this study is to describe the multiplicity of the role of the Accounting academic as a knowledge agent: in terms of the discovery of new knowledge and its…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Charl de Villiers
  • Warren Maroun