Table of contents
Supervisor or counsellor? – Emotional boundary work in supervision
Ola Strandler, Thomas Johansson, Gina Wisker, Silwa ClaessonThe aim of this article was to focus on how supervisors relate to and handle the emotional work involved in the supervision process. These emotional issues are related to changes…
Mentor-protégé fit: Identifying and developing effective mentorship across identities in doctoral education
Vicki L. Baker, Meghan J. Pifer, Kimberly A. GriffinThe aim of this conceptual paper is to explore Mentor-protégé fit as important to the selection and development of successful doctoral student–faculty mentoring relationships. We…
Performing masculinity: considering gender in doctoral student socialization
Margaret W. Sallee– The purpose of this article is to suggest that doctoral student socialization is a gendered process.
Developing future research leaders: Designing early career researcher programs to enhance track record
Lynette Browning, Kirrilly Thompson, Drew DawsonThe purpose of this paper is to describe a novel strategy for building research capability in a young university with an emerging research culture. Investment in building research…
Evaluating the impact of a multi-disciplinary, international course for PhD researchers
Fiona PhilippiThe aim of this study is to highlight how responses to student evaluation of a European Commission-funded multi-disciplinary summer course for international PhD students can be…