Built Environment Project and Asset Management: Volume 9 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: Public–private partnerships: potentials, prospects, pitfalls and precautions

Guest Editors: Himal Suranga Jayasena, Mohan Siriwardane, Giovanni Migliaccio

Challenges in public private partnerships in construction industry: A review and further research directions

Sajani Jayasuriya, Guomin Zhang, Rebecca Jing Yang

Public private partnerships (PPPs) face challenges in implementation and operation, and need efforts to improve their performance. The purpose of this paper is to review the PPP…


Evaluation of PPP road projects in Greece

Marina Marinelli

The purpose of this paper is to explore and evaluate the problems encountered by five major road projects recently implemented in Greece as public–private partnerships (PPP) and…

Suitability of public-private-partnership procurement method for road projects in Sri Lanka

G.K.M. Dabarera, B.A.K.S. Perera, M.N.N. Rodrigo

Governments of many developing countries that are unable to develop their infrastructure in order to obtain financial resources prefer to establish public–private partnerships…

Method selection: a conceptual framework for public sector PPP selection

Nan Zhao, Fei Ying

The purpose of this paper is to establish a conceptual framework to assist decision makers in identifying an appropriate decision-supporting method (DSM) to evaluate…

Public–private partnerships in Tanzanian affordable housing schemes: Policy and regulatory issues, pitfalls and solutions

Neema Kavishe, Nicholas Chileshe, Ian Jefferson

The purpose of this paper is to identify and rank policy and regulatory framework factors and inherent pitfalls in the delivery of Tanzanian public–private partnerships (PPPs…

Public guarantees for mitigating interest rate risk in PPP projects

Roberta Pellegrino, Nunzia Carbonara, Nicola Costantino

The purpose of this paper is to deal with the maximum interest rate guarantees (MIRGs), and develop a methodology for setting the optimal value of the interest rate cap, namely…


Recommendations and guidelines for implementing PPP projects: Case of the electricity sector in Brazil

Lissa Gomes Araujo, Ana Beatriz Souza Piña, Luiz Augusto Gimenez Aidar, Guilherme Oliveira Coelho, Michele Tereza Marques Carvalho

The purpose of this paper is to propose recommendations and guidelines for the initiation phase of a public–private partnership (PPP), focusing on the electricity sector in Brazil.

Exploratory factor analysis of skills requirement for PPP contract governance

Abdullahi Ahmed Umar, Noor Amila Wan Abdullah Zawawi, Abdul-Rashid Abdul-Aziz

The purpose of this paper is to explore the skills required for effective contract management of public–private partnership (PPP) projects over their contract duration. The…

The leading small group: an institutional innovation for PPP projects in China

Yajian Zhang, Willie Tan

It is widely recognized that large-scale public–private partnership (PPP) projects require an effective coordination mechanism among various stakeholders throughout the project…

Influential factors of life cycle management in education PFI projects

James Christian Hartwell, Yog Upadhyay, Amr Sourani

It has been claimed that the private finance initiative (PFI) provides value for money in the overall life of the project through the lifecycle costing (LCC) process under the…

Ex post impact evaluation of PPP projects: an exploratory research

Jose Oliveros-Romero, Ajibade A. Aibinu

The purpose of this paper is to explore, in literature and practice, the use of ex post impact evaluations within the public–private partnership (PPP) context and understand the…

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  • Prof. Mohan Kumaraswamy