Built Environment Project and Asset Management: Volume 12 Issue 6


Table of contents

Markov chain pavement deterioration prediction models for local street networks

Baris Salman, Burak Gursoy

Pavement deterioration prediction models play a crucial role in determining maintenance strategies and future funding needs. While deterioration prediction models have been…

Framework for implementing track deterioration analytics into railway asset management

Mikko Sauni, Heikki Luomala, Pauli Kolisoja, Kalle Vaismaa

Recent research outputs can be difficult to implement into ongoing safety critical processes. Hence, research is well beyond current practices in railway asset management. This…

Risk assessment of underground and elevated metro projects from clients' and contractors' perspective

Omkar Deepak Karmarkar, Shivram G. Krishnan, Venkata Santosh Kumar Delhi, Nagendra R. Rao Velaga

India is a rapidly urbanizing developing country with a population of 1.4 Billion. Indian governments have invested USD 50 Billion) in metro rail projects in 18 cities. Metro…

Human capacity building strategies for improving PPP implementation in Tanzanian construction projects

Nicholas Chileshe, Neema Kavishe

Implementation of public–private partnerships (PPPs) in African projects is inundated with a number of capacity building challenges which affects growth and project performance…

The mediating role of work–family conflict on role overload and job stress linkage

Tharindu C. Dodanwala, Djoen San Santoso, Pooja Shrestha

The present study first explored the different dimensions of work–family conflict and job stress. It then evaluated the mediating role of time and strain-based work–family…


Sustainability learning for improved safe work environments for construction semi-skilled workers in Zimbabwe

Tirivavi Moyo, Gerrit Crafford, Fidelis Emuze

Despite “decent work” being pertinent, as situated in the International Labour Organisation's “Decent Work Agenda”, one of its substantive elements on the need for safe work…

Modeling the Indian households' intention to adopt the solar net metering system

Vikas Kumar, Arun Kumar Kaushik, Gubir Singh

The present study aims to develop and offer a model to evaluate the customers' attitude and intention to adopt solar net metering systems (commonly called solar NMS) in a…

Success in collaborative construction through the lens of project delivery elements

Sina Moradi, Kalle Kähkönen

The emergence of collaborative delivery models and working practices in construction industry has created a potential area for project success research. Previous studies have…

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  • Prof. Mohan Kumaraswamy