Sport, Business and Management: Volume 3 Issue 4
An international journalTable of contents - Special Issue: Best papers from the “Sport as Business” — tracks at the EURAM Annual Meeting in Rotterdam 2012
Implementing corporate social responsibility in English football : Towards multi-theoretical integration
Christos Anagnostopoulos, David ShilburyThe purpose of this paper is to bridge the micro-macro divide by trying to integrate the micro-domain's focus on individuals (i.e. managers) with the meso-domain's and…
Leader succession and effectiveness in team sport. A critical review of the coach succession literature
Hallgeir GammelsæterThe purpose of this paper is to critically review the part of the leader succession literature which is based on coach turnover in sport teams. The aim of this paper is to assess…
Football club financial reporting: time for a new model?
Stephen MorrowThe purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate football club financial reporting with reference to: the long-standing debate on the nature and purpose of accounting; and the…
Red Devils, Royals, and the River Thames: The ambassadorial role of sports in heightening country-of-origin image
Darin W. White, Keith AbsherPrevious research has solidly demonstrated that successful sports teams and athletes can sway purchase behavior and other critical outcomes (Braunstein-Minkove et al.; McEvoy;…

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2011Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Kwame Agyemang