Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning: Volume 7 Issue 1


The journal of the University Vocational Awards Council

Table of contents

Creating successful and sustainable educational administrative internship experiences

Mark Edward Deschaine, Benjamin P. Jankens

With increase requirements and a more clinical approach for administrator internships in principal preparation programs, universities are taking a look at their internships and…

Professional application projects: work-based learning in the curriculum

Ruben Toledano-O’Farrill

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the experience in a Mexican private higher education institution of implementing credit-bearing student placements and projects…

A conceptual framework for work-applied learning for developing managers as practitioner researchers

Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt, Selva Abraham

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a conceptual framework for work-applied learning (WAL) that fosters the development of managers and other professionals as lifelong…

The demand for qualified personnel: a case study on Northern Italy

Sonia Bertolini, Valentina Goglio

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the debate on the employability of graduates from the standpoint of employers by presenting original empirical evidence from a case…

The Hub in a Pub: University of Wolverhampton Apprenticeship Hub

Alison Felce

The purpose of this paper is to present the innovative approach being taken by the University of Wolverhampton to create an Apprenticeship Hub through which the regional offer for…

Work-based learning for the creative industries: A case study of the development of BA (Hons) web design and social media

Tim Riley

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the knowledge and insight gained building a work-based learning (WBL) degree apprenticeship developed through the Higher Education…

Professional competency-based analysis of continuing tensions between education and training in higher education

Srinath Perera, Solomon Olusola Babatunde, John Pearson, Damilola Ekundayo

The education and training of construction graduates are highly influenced by the higher education institutions which produced them and the relevant professional bodies, which set…

Reflection on higher degree apprenticeship development

Alastair Irons

The purpose of this paper is to share the experiences of designing, developing and implementing a higher degree apprenticeship programme.

Cover of Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning







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  • Prof Tony Wall