Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning: Volume 13 Issue 4


The journal of the University Vocational Awards Council

Table of contents - Special Issue: Profound Digital Pedagogies: global perspectives

Guest Editors: Sofia MastrokoukouDr, Mandy Crawford–LeeDr

Exploring the readiness of a Brazilian technological university during the COVID-19 pandemic

Gabriela Scur, Dario H. Alliprandini, Eliane F. Chinaglia, Roberto Baginski Batista Santos

The paper investigates the learning practices carried out by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the transition from strictly face-to-face to remote teaching in response to…

Being socially present in a time of social distancing: investigating the online social learning experiences of teacher-trainees during COVID-19

Maryam Husain Almahdi, Ghadah Al Murshidi, Osama Al-Mahdi

This paper investigates the social online learning experiences of teacher trainees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study's model gauges the relationships between social…

Online teaching and its impact on self-monitoring of faculty members: learnings for the future from a pandemic

Deepika Pandita, V.V. Ravi Kumar

This research aims to combine and extend the literature on the self-monitoring approach used by faculty members in online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic using the…

Academic online learning experience during COVID-19 - a systematic literature review based on personality traits

Christina Morfaki, Apostolos Skotis

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the literature regarding the academic online learning experience under the lens of broad personality traits, in the…


A study on teachers' perception towards E-learning adoption in higher educational institutions in India during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pankaj Kumar, Parveen Kumar, Ramesh Kumar Garg, Manoj Panwar, Vaibhav Aggarwal

The present study examines the foremost determinants of teachers' perception, i.e. teachers' satisfaction, attitude and continuance intention towards adopting e-learning in Higher…

Post-pandemic adopted learning approach to promote architectural education: statistical approach

Basma N. El-Mowafy, Asmaa M. Hassan

Online learning has many limitations in studio-based courses, such as architectural design courses, considering the challenges during post-pandemic. Therefore, this study aims to…

Examining the concurrent impact of teaching and assessment format on undergraduate students' academic performance in marketing

Christos Livas, Nansy Karali

By focusing on a Greek traditional learning university, during and post Covid-19 restrictions, the study aims at examining the concurrent effects of teaching and assessment format…

Global collaboration in teaching root cause analysis with healthcare professional students

Holly Hampe, Diane Frndak, Claire Kydonaki

The purpose of this paper is to describe an example of how universities can develop unique synchronous educational opportunities to engage students in an online environment…

Learning from digital adaptations to the pandemic: enhancing work-based higher education

Stan Lester, Mandy Crawford–Lee

This paper examines how the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated digital developments in apprenticeship and work-based learning in higher education (HE), focusing on practices that…

Preferences and insights of learning process in pandemic era: a case study of South Africa

Isaque Manteiga Joaquim, Mamoqenelo Priscilla Morolong, Elzira Tiago Tundumula, Wen Cheng

The Covid-19 pandemic closed most educational institutions covering all world and academic calendars are threatened. In this situation keeping academic activities live, most…

Virtual accreditation peer review team visits – higher education accreditations: present and future directions

J. Srikanth Reddy, Ritu Sharma, Narain Gupta

The main objective of the present research is to depict the experience of challenges and opportunities for virtual accreditation peer review team (PRT) visits. COVID-19 has…

Review, rapid recall and reposition: how one HEI adapted delivery and design in the digital world in response to COVID-19

Megan Stephenson, Alison Torn

The study explores the original positioning of the higher education institution in the teacher education market in March 2020. The case study identifies how the university…

ICT in higher education: learning as usual or a “new normal”?

Rachana Adtani, Rachna Arora, Rajesh Raut, Netra Neelam

This study examines students’ perspectives towards the utilization of information and communication technology (ICT), during this sudden shift to remote online education due to…

Cover of Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning







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  • Prof Tony Wall