Management Research Review: Volume 45 Issue 9

Communication of emergent international management research


Table of contents - Special Issue: Behavioral Strategy: (Re-) Affirming Foundations

Guest Editors: Matteo Cristofaro, Frank Butler, Christopher Neck, Satyanarayana Parayitam, Chanchai Tangpong

Cognitive biases in implementing a performance management system: behavioral strategy for supporting managers’ decision-making processes

Ivo Hristov, Riccardo Camilli, Alessandro Mechelli

The purpose of this paper is twofold: to provide a clear picture on the cognitive biases affecting managers’ decision-making process of implementing a performance management…


Managerial hubristic-behavioral strategy: how to cope with chaotic and uncertain contexts

Francesca Loia, Davide de Gennaro, Paola Adinolfi

How can a manager lead an organization or a team in a particularly turbulent time? How can management cope with chaos and uncertainty? Drawing on behavioral strategy theory, this…


Design thinking traits and cognitive passive resistance: mediating effect of linear thinking

Juan Miguel Giraldo Ospina, Daniel Eduardo Guevara Sánchez

The purpose of this study is to theoretically link design thinking with behavioural strategy, using empirical results that relate three cognitive dimensions: design thinking…

Behavioral strategy in the wild

Wayne Borchardt, Takhaui Kamzabek, Dan Lovallo

A decade after Powell et al.’s (2011) seminal article on behavioral strategy, which called for models to solve real-world problems, the authors revisit the field to ask whether…


The role of reference points and organizational identity in strategic adaptation to performance feedback

Daniela Patricia Blettner, Simon Gollisch

This study aims to elucidate reference points and organizational identity in letters to shareholders (LTSs) of publishing companies and develops propositions on their relation to…

Foreign market entry decision-making and heuristics: a mapping of the literature and future avenues

Simone Guercini, Matilde Milanesi

This paper aims to provide a wide picture of studies on heuristics for international decision-making with a focus on foreign market entry. This paper systematically reviews…

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  • Dr Jay Janney
  • Prof Lerong He