Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Volume 43 Issue 5
An International JournalTable of contents - Special Issue: Motherhood, Work and the Politics of Care
Guest Editors: Isabella Krysa, Mariana Ines Paludi, Liela Jamjoom, Marke Kivijärvi
Creating good knowledge together: heartful-communal storytelling at the intersection of caregiving and academia
Nina Winham, Kristin S. Williams, Liela A. Jamjoom, Kerry Watson, Heidi Weigand, Nicholous M. DealThe purpose of this paper is to explore a novel storytelling approach that investigates lived experience at the intersection of motherhood/caregiving and Ph.D. pursuits. The paper…
Academic mothers and the practice of embodied care: navigating and resisting uncaring structures in the neoliberal academy
Lara Pecis, Anne TouboulicRecent research has captured the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in widening gender inequalities, by highlighting that academic women have been disproportionately affected. During…
How do you manage? An auto-ethnographic inquiry into contemporary maternal labor
İlkay BaliçThis article tackles the intersection of mothering and labor through the author's own experience as a feminist mother/manager from Istanbul, Turkey. It aims to revisit the first…
Stuck between the ideal worker and the bread winner: experiences of motherhood and work during the COVID-19 pandemic in India
Priya Kataria, Shelly PandeyThe purpose of this paper is to study the experiences of middle-class working mothers from the ITES (Information Technology Enabled Service) sector in India during the COVID-19…
“I felt sad then, I feel free now”: a case for examining the constructive resistance of opted-out mothers
Melissa Yoong, Nourhan MohamedWhile past research has explored how opting-out enables mothers to break free from masculinist organizational cultures, less attention has been given to how they resist…
Who gets to choose: a global perspective on gender, work and choice in the post-pandemic workplace
Cristen Dalessandro, Daniel Patterson, Alexander LovellCompared to the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, more workers today seemingly have choice over where, when and how they do their work. However, gender inequalities at work…

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- Prof Eddy Ng