Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Volume 43 Issue 3


An International Journal

Table of contents - Special Issue: You Can’t Racelight Critical Race Theory!

Guest Editors: William A. Smith, Laurence Parker

Racelighting Black, Indigenous and People of Color in education: a conceptual framework

J. Luke Wood, Frank Harris III

This article provides an overviews of the concept of racelighting. Racelighting is “is an act of psychological manipulation where Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC…


Why we need Critical Race Theory: moving toward Critical Race Praxis in P-20 education

Asif Wilson, Erica Dávila, Valentina Gamboa-Turner, Anänka Shony, David Stovall

In this paper the co-authors, educators and organizers working together in a liberatory curriculum development organization (People's Education Movement Chicago), put forth a…


The mourning after affirmative action: a composite counterstory about whiteness as property, fugitive pedagogy, and possibility

Uma Mazyck Jayakumar

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision to effectively end race-conscious admissions practices across the nation, this paper highlights the law’s commitment to…


Covering Número 85: a content analysis and critical race theory perspective

Patricia Virella

Narratives about racism and equity in schools have been documented in varying degrees of detail and accuracy in the news media (Farhi, 2012). Thus, race is front and center in the…


Challenging the dominant narratives: faculty members’ perceptions of administrators’ responses to Critical Race Theory bans

Kaleb L. Briscoe, Veronica A. Jones

Legislators continue to label Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other race-based concepts as divisive. Nevertheless, CRT, at its core, is committed to radical transformation and…


Educational gag orders as white property of interest: reinscribing higher education's ethos in radical tradition

Cydney Y. Caradonna

It is critical for those who are engaged in the work of resisting the movement of academically restrictive policy to understand that it is a deliberate act on the part of…


Racelighting in Utah education: counterstories across contexts

Maeve Wall, S. Shiver, Sonny Partola, Nicole Wilson Steffes, Rosie Ojeda

The authors suggest strategies for addressing and combating these attempts at racelighting.


Philanthropy as whiteness: toward racially just philanthropic practices

Charity P. Scott, Nicole Rodriguez Leach

Exploring how racism continues to persist throughout public and nonprofit organizations is central to undoing persistent society-wide injustices in the United States and around…


Microaggressions in the heartland “flyover” region: history, progress, lessons learned and challenges

Lyle Foster, Ximena Uribe-Zarain, Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

This article sheds light on the impact of collective characteristics of microaggression in a community and how this affects the perception and experiences of its underrepresented…


Twitter as a counter-storytelling site for students of Color working to abolish the police

Re'Nyqua Farrington

Given the historical legacy of policing Black bodies, this research focuses on the structures of anti-Blackness within school policing and the strategies students of Color…


Is our scholarship elevating or hindering transformation and possibility? Conceptualizations of student organizations in higher education

Rican Vue, Lucy Arellano Jr, Uma Mazyck Jayakumar

This review addresses how student organizations are conceptually framed in the scholarly literature—organizations the authors referred to as “ethnicized student organizations” or…

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  • Prof Eddy Ng